Saturday, December 8, 2012

Today...Not A Good Day

Today....Not A Good Day.

I have had one crappy day. It started with me waking up at 4 am to do a final that was due at 9am. This is nothing unsual. Every semester I do this. Its a tradition. I usually do really well under pressure. The part that sucked was I did all this work and at 8:00 my computer decides to turn black and not work. My printer decides it doesnt want to work. So, I had to turn in just my final that wasnt my best work. Then, Im late with having breakfast with grandmother who I never get to see hardly. Not to mention, I broke up with my boyfriend of seven months. He left me for his ex. Then I had a very important meeting turn into a total bust. I lost 750 bucks. Its just been on crappy day. I been listening to Drake all day. He makes it better i swear. Hopefully, things look up because this is some bullshit.
